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When life changes in three words – "Looks like cancer"

A very close family member went to urgent care about a month ago for a nasty cough. Ended up in the E. R. After several hours in the E. R. that included a CT scan, the doctor came in the room and said, “Looks like lung cancer”. “I’m sorry”.

As I talked to this person after they got home, I asked their initial thoughts. They shared:

· We gave it to God

· One’s perspective immediately changes

I know this couple has a tremendous faith in God and, unlike so many others, has no fear of dying. On the converse they still want to live fully.

I’ve talked to them every day since and found out what is helping them the most.

1. They decided to be very selective on who they told. Only close family members who would keep them in their prayers.

2. They’ve asked other close friends, who believe in the power of prayer, to be part of a “prayer warrior” team.

3. When they pray, they seldom ask for healing. Instead, they ask that the doctors diagnose the biopsy and all doctor’s hands guide and direct the best solutions – if necessary.

4. They have had had morning devotions for some time. Now their prayers include people who might be facing similar issues. Again, one gets a different perspective when hearing those words from a doctor.

5. They are keeping a daily journal to help others who might face something similar. Their goal is to possibly turn this into a book.

6. They’ve renamed what is happening as a “process” rather than looking at what is coming up as a whole. For instance, the first process was to talk to their PCP, the second was to work with a pulmonologist, the third was to get a biopsy, PET Scan or whatever the pulmonologist recommended. By doing this they have a series of short-term goals and don’t get blinded by all that they are going to potentially go through.

As I keep talked to them daily and getting an update, I’m surprised to how much of this should be part of everyone’s daily life. Seems we get serious when we have a scare. When the doctor tells us we are 50 pounds overweight and are becoming a diabetic we start becoming serious about losing weight.

When we almost get into a car accident, we check out our insurance policy and look at the fine points.

When we get laid off we realize we really should have been saving money instead of buying every new gadget out there that was the best on the market for merely days.

And the list in our lives goes on.

Perhaps this is a great wake-me-up in so many areas for your Christmas. Christmas is a wonderful season as long as we don’t confuse it with Santa and what he brings versus the REAL reason for Christmas and what He brings us.

Merry Christmas.

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